Sunday Night Worship
We’d love to see you.
We get it: checking out a new church is intimidating, even if you Google a lot beforehand. We want you to know what you’re walking into before you get here. We’re not perfect and we don’t pretend to be. Show up exactly as you are—you can trust we’re doing the same.
Sunday nights at The Table have a familiar rhythm: singing with Christian and the band, hearing from our pastors, and saying the Lord’s Prayer before taking communion.
We take communion every week with gluten-free elements and grape juice. Everyone is invited (including kids!) to come forward, pick up a piece of bread and dip it into the cup before returning to your seat.
We offer a digital bulletin to help you keep track of events, signups, and gatherings:
Kids are full and complete members of our community. You’ll see most kids worshipping with their families at the beginning of service until they are dismissed to their groups before the sermon—and some choose to stay. On the last Sunday of the month, we worship as one community and kids remain in service. On these weeks, kids are given leadership roles in worship: giving announcements, reading Scripture, serving communion. Read more about Table Kids.