The Table is a community that practices the ways of Jesus, making space for all to belong and be loved.
It’s only through belonging that becoming is possible. With that in mind, these are the values that shape us individually and as a community:
Christ Centered
We are formed and found in the life of Jesus, the Son of Love who came to show humanity what God is like. We are committed to practicing the ways of Jesus individually and as a community. The ways of Jesus lead to holistic healing for individuals, families, neighborhoods, and nations. They pull us down the narrow roads of limitless forgiveness, radical acceptance, non-violent peacemaking, abundant generosity, and sacrificial love.
Radically Inclusive
We enthusiastically welcome all people to fully participate in the life of our community without limitation based on gender, race, ethnicity, age, physical or mental capacity, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socioeconomic or marital status. Beyond simply welcoming or allowing, we affirm and celebrate our LGBTQ siblings at every level of church participation and leadership. We need one another in order to become the beloved community Christ has called us to be.
Justice Driven
With the ancient prophets like Amos and Isaiah, as well as modern prophets like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dorothy Day, we are committed to loving our neighbors well by caring for both their personal stories and the public systems they exist within. We are convinced God’s dream is to see all human beings treated with dignity, reflecting that they are made in the image and likeness of God. Our commitment is to partner with God in seeing this dream come to fruition. To this end, we as a community are always political, never partisan.
Culturally Engaged
As followers of Jesus who are asked to prioritize our neighbors’ needs above our own, withdrawing from the realities that shape our lives isn't an option for us. So long as we live in a democracy, each of us has responsibility for the stewardship of our neighbors. At The Table, we are committed to cultivating informed allies and advocates who are equipped to join God in the urgent work of transforming society.
Unapologetically Human
In the life of Jesus, we encounter One who was always honest, self-disclosing, and fully present with friends, strangers, and even enemies. Just as the resurrected Christ led with His scars, we believe that transparency is a prerequisite for transformation. We are committed to living honestly before God and one another.
Tangibly Compassionate
In funerals and birthday parties, support groups and prayer huddles, we are committed to showing tangible care and hospitality as we walk each other through the joys and sorrows of life. We are a community that shows up when it matters—bringing meals, offering support, standing in it together.