Meet the Team

We’re hiring! Check out open positions:

Debbie Manning (she/her)

Lead Pastor
Email Debbie

Jae Bates (he/him)

Pastor of Formation for Youth & Young Adults
Email Jae

Cody Sanders (he/him)

Interim Pastor
Email Cody

Christian Ankrum (he/him)

Creative Director
Email Christian

Maggie Keller (she/her)

Communications and Community Life Director
Email Maggie

Patti Kratzer (she/her)

Administrative Director
Email Patti

Caitlin Schmidt (she/her)

Children’s Ministry Director
Email Caitlin

Meet the Board

Our community is loved and led by 13 individuals who comprise our Advisory Board.

Current board members include: Sara Baaker, Gino Giovannelli, Shane Harjes (Treasurer), Mark Harmon (Vice President), Chloe Mark Heinrich, Lori Larson Heller, Patti Kratzer, Debbie Manning, Dan Noeldner, Chris Pope, Elliot Schmidt, Erika Shima (President), Marta Smith

What the board does

Together with our staff, the board is responsible for our strategic direction and business affairs. Ours is a working board; members devote time and energy to one of four key areas/subcommittees:

  • Church Growth (create an annual budget, encourage giving, and steward those financial gifts well; track engagement in worship, encourage discipleship, etc.)

  • Community Engagement (organize events; support the care team, greeting team, small groups, etc.)

  • Faith Formation (collaborate with Jae and Caitlin and support the vision for Table Kids)

  • Neighborhood Engagement (partner with local organizations and coordinate opportunities for The Table to get involved in their work, love our neighbors well)

Who gets to lead

One of our spoken priorities is for the board to be representative of the diversity of our community. The work of inclusivity starts with the places decisions are made.

How it works

New board members are nominated by members of the community, interviewed by the current board, and selected in a blind vote. Nominees must be members, affirm our values, and offer the community their presence and expertise for a three-year term. We’re not just looking for warm bodies—we need doers.